What's What on the Blog

If you love reading, you've (probably) come to the right place.

I post updates on books I'm reading, with detailed reviews, quotes from books I'm reading, book recommendations in the form of "If... then..." statements, tags, book hauls, and wrap-ups/TBRs. So basically I'm a booktuber, but in text format because my face is too dangerous for the internet.

On recommendations: I will occasionally post recommendations in the form of if... then... statements. (Ex: "If you liked The Catcher in the Rye, then you might like The Perks of Being a Wallflower). If you have a book that you like, and you want to find more like it, ask me! I'll try to find something. It doesn't even have to be a book you like. It can be a sport, a hobby, a movie, whatever. Just ask in the comments, and I will be happy to suggest something!

Disclaimer: I won't actually be telling you where to find the books, as I'm sure you're capable of that feat on your own. The title of the Blog is simply a reference to my favorite series of all time, Harry Potter (the reference being a parody of the title "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them").

Friday, January 11, 2013

Quotes from Doomsday Book by Connie Willis

I tried to upload a picture of the cover, but blogspot is being difficult -_- . I'll try again later, but for now, here are the quotes:

"He plunged after her, trying to keep clear of the deadly umbrellas and to determine what carol was being slaughtered now. It sounded like a cross between a call to arms and a dirge, but it was most probably 'Jingle Bells'."

"'Spaegun yovor tongawn glais?' she said, and it might be 'Good morning' or 'Are you feeling better?' or 'We're burning you at dawn'."

"She was all alone, and the fire was going out, and nobody knew where she was except for the rat that was going to kill half of Europe."

"It's the light, she thought. Everyone looks like a cutthroat by torchlight. No wonder they invented electricity."

"Some people recovered spontaneously and some were saved by prayers. Not everyone died who was infected. The death rate for the pneumonic plague was only ninety percent."

1 comment:

  1. could you please post the page numbers for these quotes from the Dooms Day Book. Pleaseeeee??
